The Malmö Commitment


The Malmö Commitment positions local and regional governments at the center of the global response to today’s challenges by encouraging sustainable approaches, innovation, adaptability, participation, and inclusiveness in policy-making to tackle the current climate and nature emergencies and by embedding social equity at the core of their local sustainable development.

Malmö Commitment Methodology

The pioneers of the Malmö Commitment will follow a process in four phases: Analyze, Strategize, Act, Accelerate – each unfolding into sub-steps – outlining how sustainability challenges can be assessed and social dimensions related to them can be identified to integrate equitable perspectives into sustainable development policies, plans, and processes. This methodology consists of a wide range of resources, tools and guidance to support local and regional governments to deliver ambitious equitable sustainability action.

The process

Malmö Commitment’s methodology is a 4-phases process: Analyze, Strategize, Act, Accelerate – each unfolding into sub-steps – outlining how sustainability challenges can be assessed and social dimensions related to them can be identified to integrate equitable perspectives into sustainable development policies, plans, and processes.


Once local and regional governments have commited to the MC, mobilized staff and resources, identified and engaged stakeholder groups, they will assess their local context, identify sustainability challenges, conduct community mapping and reseach to identify the social dimensions related to those challenges and to design social equity indicators for each of them. They will collect and analyze data and set its baseline.


Pioneers will set priorities and targets for each social equity indicator and develop a strategy. They will need to have a screening body to review on-going and new projects according to the set targets, assess on-going projects against equitable development principles and identify potential gaps, generate and screen potential equitable programs, projects and adjustments.


The local or regional government will be responsible to select a financial model and secure funding, to develop an Equitable Development Action Plan, to implement socially equitable policies and initiatives accordingly and monitor and report to the Malmö Commitment Platform.


Finally, local and regional governments will collaborate and exchange with other pioneers, participate in focus groups and events, share lessons learned, and encourage the local governments of neighboring communities, and others they work and partner with, to commit to the Malmö Commitment and further enhance the collective efforts to build a more equitably sustainable cities, towns, and regions for all.